
News about reopening

news about reopening

We’ve got some great news about reopening.

Scotland is moving to Phase 3, which means that indoor restaurants can reopen, with physical distancing and hygiene routines.

We’re excited and we’re apprehensive, and:

**Abbey Cottage will reopen on Wednesday 15 July**

Of course, things will need to be different!

These are some of the measures that we’ll be putting in place to reduce the risks for our customers and our team:

  • Everyone will need to enter the building using the door at the side, facing Sweetheart Abbey. There will be a hand sanitizer station just inside the doorway.
  • We’ll have a one-way system. Once inside, please turn left for the shop and right for the tearoom.
  • From the shop, you will leave by the front door which opens onto Main Street.
  • From the tearoom, you will leave by the door into the garden.
  • We have reduced the number of tables in the tearoom to give everyone much more space and allow for physical distancing.
  • We will have more outdoor seating (physically distanced).
  • To comply with the Covid track and trace procedures, everyone who eats-in (in the tearoom or garden) will have to provide their name and contact details which we need to hold for 21 days.
  • Takeaway will be available for all items.

We’ll be trying this new system out and may make changes, so please keep a lookout for more updates.

Our plan at the moment is to open 11-4, Wednesday to Sunday in July to see how we get on.

Please do just get in touch if you have any questions.

Mother’s Day weekend in March seems like such a long time ago!  We’re really looking forward to opening up and seeing you again if you’re feeling like getting out and about.

Morag, Jacqui and the Abbey Cottage team xx

PS: If you’re not sure about eating out yet, our ‘Afternoon Tea in a Box‘ will be available to pre-order and takeaway for a special treat at home or at your holiday accommodation.